完成你的微积分序列 & 为未来的STEM课程做好准备

在学习微积分? 想在一个支持和关心的社区学习数学? 然后 consider the Calculus Achievement for Success Program, designed just for STEM students!

The CAS program gives you extra class time and support to 审查 algebra skills by building a sense of community among your peers, instructors, tutors and a personalized 辅导员. CAS helps you complete your Calculus sequence and guides you into future STEM课程和职业.

秋天的应用程序  了解更多十大靠谱棋牌游戏CAS

有问题? 联络我们: cas4stem@mofosdx.com.



If you enroll and remain active in this program, then you are guaranteed a spot in a CAS instructors class each semester from Math 5A, Math 5B, and Math 5C.




We 有 空间 dedicated to our CAS students for supplemental class time and general 研究空间.


Tutors for all calculus courses are present in the classrooms and in the CAS study 空间.






Ipad rentals will be available and we will incorporate technology in lessons and real-life 与你未来STEM职业目标相关的申请.




微积分是你开始STEM职业生涯的大门! 微积分和数学 in general, provide the foundation for your critical and analytical thinking skills.  Employers often like to hire applicants with math degrees or math training because 他们知道这些人在解决问题方面训练有素!


In the world we live in, technology is everywhere–just look at your smartphone for 例子!  Understanding calculus is teaching you how to approach problems you don’t 知道如何解决问题,并提出有效的解决方案.  这是一项很重要的技能 在任何职业中!

# CASgoals

Calculus Achievement for Access is an instructor created program to help benefit minority STEM学生. 我们正在寻找至少修过数学5A和数学课的学生 5B for their STEM majors or all three (Math 5A, 5B, 5C) courses for their STEM major.  

Research has shown that creating a sense of belonging in STEM classes is an important component to help students find a connection and motivation to complete their courses. 

The goal of the program is to build a sense of community among students, instructors, tutors, and a personalized 辅导员 to help students complete their Calculus sequence 为学生未来的STEM职业生涯提供支持和指导. 数学很难,而且 我们不希望它阻止任何人追求他们的STEM梦想.

As instructors we realized what an impact the pandemic has made on our math students who often come in with some algebra and trigonometry gaps in knowledge. 这是 students could not control and we want the additional support time to allow students 来填补微积分中出现的空白. 这只是及时的练习 消除数学“落后”的压力. 每个学生都有自己独特的一面 background and our program is aimed to provide unique support for each student.

We want students to see the collaborative fun side of Calculus through this program and to teach students what is needed to be successful in their future STEM goals.


If you enroll and remain active in this program, then you are guaranteed a spot in a CAS instructors class each semester from Math 5A, Math 5B, and Math 5C. 有时 课程很难找到,或者你不知道该选谁. 这个区块注册允许 you to remain with the friends you make in this program learning from instructors 谁在课堂上都在同一页.


We are in the process of getting Ipad rentals for all students in the CAS program. They will be checked out to each student at the beginning of the semester and returned 最后. But the Ipad rentals will be available while registered for all three 微积分课程.

We will also incorporate technology in lessons and real-life applications related 我们的学生未来的STEM职业目标. 作为一名学生,你可能会觉得这很有效 和你的专业无关. 作为创意人员,我们的目标是帮助你看到 它将被使用.


We will work with the Freeman Center and our Work-Based Learning Leads to provide 整个学期的职业讲座. 你想成为一名工程师,但不确定是哪一种 算是工程师? 让我们看看你的选择,你应该获得什么证书,什么 你也应该申请实习. 我们也会邀请业内人士参加 也可以聊聊他们的经历.

做学生是很费时间的. 在我们的 支持时间(或课堂时间),以确保你知道你的选择. 知道需要什么 to be done to reach your career can help students continue to focus on the end goal 带着这种动力去完成困难的课程. 


我们将为中科院的学生准备一个房间. 这个房间将用作我们的 supplemental class time as well as a general 研究空间 just for our students. We will host workshops in this room and also provide space for CAS students to just chill 在校园里. 

We want to create this space for CAS students  to get to know each other and form 学习小组.


对于数学5A和5B,我们将为您提供课堂辅导. 在这三个国家 calculus courses we will 有 tutors present in the 研究空间 for CAS students. That means our students will 有 constant support available during the week made 一个由教练、导师、辅导员等组成的团队!

这些导师也是我们的导师. 导师也是STEM专业的学生 和我们中科院的学生一样. 他们在这里支持和鼓励你 在STEM领域有类似经历的同龄人.


One of our fantastic 辅导员s will 有 dedicated time to meet with our CAS students. The 辅导员 will be present in class and in the 研究空间 to meet with students. 我们的CAS辅导员可以提供学术和社会指导. 

Having personalized support with frequent check-ins can help students stay on top 的事情. This personalization is another way the CAS program wants students to know 你的成功和未来永远在我们心中. 

In order for a sense of community to work, the community needs to be dedicated to 一个另一个. 要成为CAS的一员,你需要填写申请表并收到 为您的特定群组添加代码.

报名参加CAS的学生也承诺参加2.补充5小时 每周教学. 获得额外的学习支持非常重要, to meet with your 辅导员, to complete helpful 审查s all to help you be successful. 

We can not measure the success 这个项目的 if students are not using the benefits 这个项目的. 辅导员或分类工作人员会联系有问题的学生 错过了他们的补充时间,将被要求弥补. 不幸的是,如果 a student can not commit to this part of the program, then there is a possibility 这个学生不会继续留在这个项目中. 

There will be a separate check in process for the supplemental instruction and students 谁全程出席会议将被视为出席. 

Students will not necessarily work on the same topics during this time as the structure 是根据每个学生的需要进行调整的吗. 

Supplemental instruction may consist of both large group and individual/small group 活动.  在补充指导期间,您可以在 a large group, small group or individual setting; what is key to remember is that every class has different needs, and the supplemental instruction will be tailored 尽我们所能满足每个班级和学生的需求:

  • Review key prerequisite material to make the Calculus make more sense
  • 回顾学习策略,使你的学习为你所用
  • Review concepts learned that day or that week in your Calculus class that you may 有
  • 努力完成.  这可能包括一些额外的练习问题或家庭作业 审查
  • Have a presentation from a guest speaker on various STEM subjects of interest
  • Have a 辅导员 presentation on key components in the transfer process
  • 有一个十大靠谱棋牌游戏STEM转学项目的演讲吗
  • 还有更多!




下午1:15 - 5:15
下午2:30 - 6:30
TR上午8:15 -下午12:15
TR下午1:15 - 5:15


早上8:15 -下午12:15
TR下午1:15 - 5:15


t9:45 - 12:15, r8:15 - 12:15



这听起来是不是很棒? 你不想通过中科院的微积分考试吗? 下一步 是申请!




有问题? 联络我们: cas4stem@mofosdx.com.