PCC is committed to the health and wellness of you and your family. We recognize that a supportive atmosphere is essential for pregnant students and student parents to 是成功的. More information about the comprehensive resources available at PCC and off-campus for pregnant and parenting students can be found on the 怀孕了 and Parenting Student.

怀孕了 and Parenting Accommodation Request Form

How 第九条 Protects 怀孕了 & Parenting Students

第九条 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex—including pregnancy and parental status—in educational programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance from the Department of Education. The term pregnancy is used to include childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these 条件. 

With regards to supporting pregnant students, institutions are required under Title 第九:

  • Excuse a student’s absences because of pregnancy or childbirth for as long as deemed medically necessary.
  • Afford the same protections to pregnant students as students who have temporary medical 条件.
  • Make reasonable and responsive adjustments.
  • Allow a student to continue participating in classes and extracurricular activities.
  • Allow a student to return from their 离开 to the same academic status as before their 离开.
  • Offer options for making up the work missed and allow the student to decide.

Common Accommodations:

  • Seating assignment near the door (easier to access bathroom)
  • Ability to sit rather than stand (especially in lab or similar environments)
  • 大的桌子
  • Extended breaks or exam time (to allow for eating food to control nausea, to use the 浴室等.)
  • Assistance of note taker to assist with exams (pregnant women more likely to have carpo隧道)
  • Distance learning or teleworking for students on bedrest
  • Revised schedules for meetings or group activities
  • 停车 space closer to classes
  • Other options as needed, depending on individualized needs

More Resources for 怀孕了 and Parenting Students

Lactation Rooms

PCC offers a number of different spaces on campus dedicated to support student and employee parents with their breast, chest, or body-feeding needs. If you have questions about accessing he following spaces or are in need of additional accommodations, please 联系 titleix@mofosdx.com.


Know Your Rights: 怀孕了 and Parenting Students